alfred merritt smith water treatment facility

The Alfred Merritt Smith Water Treatment Facility today is capable of reliably treating 600 million gallons of water per day. 

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Originally built in 1971, the Alfred Merritt Smith Water Treatment Facility its at the base of Lake Mead. Today, this facility is capable of reliably treating 600 million gallons of water per day. 

When it came time to select a coating system to protect the concrete structure in the filter basins, the water authority turned to Tnemec. With a long track record of performance in Southern, NV the applicator and owner put their trust in Tnemec. 

Tnemec Series 218 MortarClad was selected to resurface the prepared concrete due to it's ease of use and the ability to be spray transferred onto the walls and floors. Series 218 is a high performance epoxy modified cementitious mortar that creates a uniform surface for the topcoat and can be coated quickly. 

M2 Alfred Merrit Uncoated Static (Unable To Resize)Tnemec Series 22 Epoxoline, an advanced generation, 100% solids epoxy was selected as the topcoat. It provides excellent resistance to abrasion and allows for a quick return to service. This four year project was completed in 2021 and was serviced by High Performance Coating Consultants throughout the project. 

Contact us today to learn more about high performance solutions for water and wastewater treatment. 

Check out these additional resources on wastewater and water treatment coatings

MBR Basins

Severe Wastewater Testing for Coatings

Ductile Iron Surface Preparation

Engineers- Specifying High Performance Coatings

Coatings for Wastewater Facilities


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